Digitoo: Transform scanning invoices into a smooth digital process

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Scanning and uploading invoices

Users upload scanned or digital documents in formats such as PDF, PNG, JPEG, TIF, TIFF, and even ISDOC-formatted PDFs to the Digitoo system, either through direct uploading, dragging documents into the application, via email, or through an API. Each queue in Digitoo (representing a type of document) has an automatically generated email to which the respective document can be sent.

OCR technology

The Digitoo system has developed its own Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology for text recognition on documents. This technology enables precise and efficient extraction of text information from various types of documents, including invoices. However, it's important to note that the Digitoo system currently only supports the Latin alphabet. This means that the OCR technology is optimized for recognizing and extracting text written in Latin letters. Despite this limited Latin support, the Digitoo system achieves high accuracy in text recognition, even on relatively poorly scanned or digital documents. Even when recognizing Latin text on invoices with various formats and varying digitization quality, the Digitoo system can perform extraction with high accuracy, up to 98%. This ensures the quality of invoice processing and minimizes the risk of errors associated with manual data entry.

Deep Neural Networks for Classification

Deep neural networks are used for text extraction from documents, which belong to advanced machine learning models and are capable of recognizing and classifying various data from extracted text information. For invoices, this includes, for example, the invoice number, its date, business registration number, VAT identification number, and other relevant details.

AI Learning and Adaptation

The Digitoo system is capable of learning and adapting to various types of invoices and suppliers. Over time, it becomes increasingly accurate in recognizing and extracting information based on historical data and user feedback.

Automatic Assignment and Approval

The Digitoo system is capable of automatically assigning recognized data to the corresponding accounting entries, cost centers, and projects in accordance with configured rules and approval hierarchy. For instance, if a cost center or accounting entry has been previously used for a particular supplier, Digitoo remembers this and performs the assignment automatically.

Approval and Verification

After automatic assignment, users have the option to review and approve invoices. The Digitoo system allows for multi-level approval in accordance with configured rules.

Verification of data with ARES and Tax Authority

The Digitoo system connects to ARES and the tax authority to verify data, such as:

  • Reliability of the taxpayer

  • Verification of bank account registration with the Tax Authority

  • Verification of supplier and customer data in VIES

  • Verification of correctness of VAT and tax identification numbers

  • Verification of IBAN format

    and more.

Integration with your Accounting System

We allow you to instantly connect with the most common accounting systems on the market or use our API.

With Digitoo, you have the option to choose; you can easily connect through the Digitoo interface to the most common accounting systems on the market, or you can use API integration to achieve maximum flexibility and customization.

  • We support accounting systems such as Pohoda, ABRA Flexi, Money S3, Helios Orange, ABRA Gen, K2, Omega Kros, Ježek Duel, Ekonom, Karat, and 6K.

  • We utilize certified partners for connecting to MS Navision, SAP, SAP One, and QI.

  • We provide API support for implementing the Digitoo application into your processes.

In summary, Digitoo is an intelligent system that combines OCR and machine learning technologies for efficient and accurate invoice processing. This way, it helps organizations improve their invoicing and accounting processes, minimize errors, and expedite the flow of financial information.