time saved
cost reduction
data extraction accuracy

O.K. TRANS is a transportation and logistics company specializing in providing comprehensive transport services for corporate clients across Europe. Their goal is to ensure safe, fast, and efficient goods transport. With an extensive fleet of trucks and robust logistics capabilities, O.K. TRANS is able to meet even the most demanding requirements of European customers.


O.K. TRANS processes thousands of invoices annually from various suppliers, which required a significant amount of manual work. Traditional manual invoice processing was time-consuming, prone to errors, and often led to delays and additional costs associated with correcting mistakes. The company therefore decided to digitalize the process to increase efficiency, improve the accuracy of document processing, and save on administrative costs.

Process before Digitoo

  1. Faktury přicházeli v papírové nebo digitální podobě (e-mail)
  2. Následně bylo nutné data z fakturmanuálně zadávat do účetního systému, kdy hrozilo velké riziko vzniku chyb
  3. Faktury byly poté kontrolovány a schvalovány odpovědným pracovníkem či dokonce několika, což někdy trvalo více dní
  4. Zaslání do účetního systému


  • Start of Collaboration - 2023
  • API integration of the Digitoo engine into the Microsoft Dynamics Business Central system
  • Use of Digitoo artificial intelligence for automated invoice extraction
  • Setup of digital approval workflows across relevant employees
  • Electronic archiving of all invoices

Process after Digitoo

  1. Invoices are now sent directly from email or scanning devices to Digitoo
  2. In Digitoo, the invoice data is extracted within seconds
  3. The data is then sent for digital validation to responsible employees, who can approve the documents via the mobile app or directly from email
  4. After approval, the data flows automatically into the accounting system


  • 50% cost savings
  • 45% time savings
  • +92% extraction accuracy, with continuous improvement
  • Higher volume of processed documents with the same number of employees in comparable time
  • Fully digitized approval flow between managers and accountants
  • Significant reduction from transcription errors
  • Elimination of physical archiving costs

"Our accountants adapted to the new system very quickly and especially appreciated the intuitiveness and ease of use of Digitoo. This new way of working has freed up time for tasks that are less routine and require more human involvement." ~ Jiri Mastny, CFO O.K. TRANS

Next steps

The next step for O.K. TRANS will be to implement full automation of invoice processing, particularly for invoices that are frequently handled within the company. To enable automation, a high level of confidence (percentage accuracy) will need to be achieved for selected invoices. The ultimate goal is to process these invoices in the future without any need for human intervention.

Accounting system
Microsoft Business Central
Transport and logistics
Yearly turnover
2 bil. CZK

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