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From Paper to Data: How A-scan Links scanned document management with Digitoo

A-Scan is a Czech company specializing in the digitization and scanning of large volumes of documents. They create customized comprehensive solutions for their clients with the aim of minimizing manual work, costs, and time delays.


A-Scan faced the challenge of integrating its scanned data with its own document management and storage system. For clients who had their data transcribed from invoices after scanning for digital archiving and document management purposes, they were searching for suitable software to extract metadata from invoices. They chose Digitoo, and thus, a specific connection between the Digitoo and A-Scan platforms needed to be created.


In the summer of 2022, A-Scan became a part of the Digitoo family and utilized our own API. After several weeks of development, we were able to integrate the metadata extracted by Digitoo from scanned documents into their system. Since Digitoo is the first step in this process, high accuracy was crucial. Any errors could lead to issues in subsequent stages of the process.


In May 2023, they had already processed over 250,000 documents for 11 clients with lightning speed and reliability. The average processing time per document reduced to just 3 minutes. The overall accuracy is more than 90% and continues to improve thanks to the "local learning machine" that tracks user corrections and incorporates them into future decision-making.


Pavel Trnavský
IT coordinator


"We conducted market research, and Digitoo appeared to us as the most suitable option for invoice reading and digitization of invoices. Over the course of that year, we made incredible progress together."

Technology, automation
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