We're always here for you - we'll show you how to get started with Digitoo and answer all your questions

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First steps and Digitoo implementation with our help

At the beginning, when the customer is considering using Digitoo, we'll demonstrate the entire tool so you can better envision how it works in practice. Then comes the actual integration with your accounting system and working within the tool. While the environment and processes in Digitoo were designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, we're here to assist you with everything. Whether it's integration, where our customer support works closely with our developers to quickly resolve technical matters, or tips on how to use Digitoo most effectively.

Individual training sessions for you and your colleagues

Using Digitoo is intuitive, but if you'd like to demonstrate everything visually and get tips on how to use the tool most effectively, we can organize individual training sessions for your company. These sessions are conducted online, and it's up to you to invite your colleagues. It can also be helpful when a new team member joins, and you don't have the time to personally train them. We'll guide, explain, and answer any questions they might have.

We developed the tool ourselves, so you'll resolve everything directly with us

When addressing your questions, you won't have to wait for responses from third parties, which unnecessarily prolongs the process. We developed Digitoo ourselves, so we'll assist you and address your questions and issues directly. Digitoo operates independently without relying on additional service providers. You won't need to worry about being passed around or redirected to other providers. You'll handle everything directly with our customer support team.

Regularly updating customers on new features and improvements

Acquiring the tool is just the beginning; we're committed to supporting you in the long term. Our customer support team actively engages with customers, keeps them informed about all the latest features, and provides tips on how to make the most of them.

Contact us online or by phone

If you prefer online communication, we offer a live chat, web forms, and, of course, email at [email protected], where you can reach out to us anytime. If you're more comfortable with phone calls, you can contact us at +420 739 481 426.

Adding new features tailored to customer needs

Feedback from customers using Digitoo is crucial to us. While we continuously work on improving the tool and have extensive knowledge of corporate and accounting processes, every company has unique requirements. That's why we highly value recommendations on how to further enhance the tool from your perspective. Thanks to this feedback and ongoing brainstorming for new functionalities, we're confident we're doing everything we can to save time for accountants and managers in companies.

Do you want to benefit from digitization and have a say in improving the tool? Join our satisfied customers and try Digitoo yourself or reach out to our team, who will guide you through the entire process and provide assistance