Digitoo can save up to hundreds of hours per year when working with invoices

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Digitoo will save you up to 792 hours annually, time you can spend more wisely than forwarding, complex approvals, printing, and subsequent invoice transcription. Whether you're a business owner, manager, or accountant, you can use those extra hours with your family, for self-improvement, or to enhance your business. How exactly will our artificial intelligence save you so much time?

792 Hours Saved Annually Thanks to Digitalization

Did you know that an invoice often passes through the hands of up to 8 people before being recorded? From an assistant to several managers, accountants, and senior accountants who review everything. Together, they spend dozens of days annually on work that could be done in a few hours. With Digitoo, you save 5 minutes on each invoice, which can add up to 15 hours per month and up to 792 hours annually.

Thanks to digitalization, you'll speed up the entire process. You won't need an assistant for invoices anymore, as suppliers will send them directly to the Digitoo email. You won't have to go around all the managers either, as everything can be approved directly within the tool. And only one person will suffice for accounting, who will verify the invoices and send them directly to the accounting software.

You can accomplish the original work of eight people with just three clicks. Would you like to see what it looks like in practice?

Acceleration of the document sending process

Invoices, especially during the period of financial closures, are a nightmare not only for accountants but for the entire company. Often, printed invoices and smaller documents need to be tracked down, as they tend to get lost somewhere, and no one can locate them. With digitalization, you give the green light not only to the environment (because you don't have to print and file everything) but also to better organization. In Digitoo, you gain the ability to send invoices and other documents to an email, from which they are automatically uploaded directly into the tool. This significantly speeds up the entire process because it eliminates the need for additional people to enter data.

Instead of several weeks when invoices circulate throughout the company, documents are uploaded continuously, preventing accountants from being overwhelmed. They no longer have to fear that a few days before the deadline for submitting VAT records, piles of invoices from all clients will suddenly land on their desks. Thanks to Digitoo, they can handle documents calmly throughout the year.

Transcribing invoices within seconds

The biggest time-saving for accountants themselves comes from the digitization and electronic automation of accounting, where artificial intelligence transcribes invoices on your behalf. During our testing of automated and manual data entry in the Helios system, with the help of Digitoo, we were able to enter up to 15 invoices in the same amount of time, and we couldn't manually complete a single one. Now, consider that accountants often enter hundreds of them within a month. Then those few extra minutes per invoice really add up.

Approval by responsible persons and one-click accounting

Once the documents are entered into the tool, responsible person can approve incoming invoices with a single click. This eliminates the need for walks around the company and the hunt for signatures from all responsible parties. All you need to do is ensure access to Digitoo and configure the approval process for your company or for the company whose accounting you manage. After approval, the accountant only needs to verify that everything is correctly entered and then reconcile the documents with a single click.

Easy bulk invoice payments

Paying invoices typically requires additional data entry, this time into the payment order for the bank. Just like when entering invoice details, here too, you can expect to spend seconds to minutes extra, and there's still a chance of making errors in copying or entering numbers incorrectly. When it comes to paying received invoices through Digitoo, you can handle everything reliably, securely, and with just a few clicks.

Information about cash flow within the company without the need for complicated searches

We often encounter situations where business owners may not perceive the need for digitizing accounting because they don't manually input invoices themselves and can't imagine the amount of time saved firsthand. However, you can see that the entire process isn't just about simplifying invoice entry and accounting.

Indeed, business owners and top-level executives are those who monitor plan fulfillment and cash flow within the company. Thanks to Digitoo, they don't need to rely on accountants to obtain an overview of invoices or search for data in the accounting software. You can simply check Digitoo's dashboard, where you can easily search and filter invoices or review expenses and revenues for specific time periods.

Do you want to transform your accounting into the 21st century as well?

If you'd like to dedicate 792 hours a year to the growth of your business or yourself, join our satisfied clients who use Digitoo. Using the tool is intuitive, and you can connect it to your accounting system within minutes. However, we're here to assist and advise you with everything if needed, just reach out to us.

Not sure if investing in accounting digitization is worth it for you? Try our simple calculator, and within a few seconds you'll discover how much Digitoo can save you not only in time but also in money.