With Digitoo, you make the entire invoice process more efficient

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Did you know that one invoice often passes through the hands of up to eight people before it's accounted for? In the case of digitization, not only does it make work easier for everyone, but most importantly, it reduces the number of people involved in managing invoices. There's no need for specialized personnel to compile them or for junior accountants to input data and senior accountants to review. Digitoo takes care of most of the steps for you, and all you need are a few clicks for approval and accounting.

Unnecessary document handling will be reduced with Digitoo

When you have your invoices fully digitized, you don't need to scramble to gather and compile them just before the accounting period ends or when sending data for VAT purposes. This means you no longer have to go through the hassle of searching through emails, downloading, renaming, sorting, and saving invoices to a shared drive for the accountant. All your invoices are available directly from the supplier on Digitoo's email, from which they are automatically uploaded into the tool. The manager can then approve everything with a single click, and the accountant has a ready output for accounting.

You'll receive output data without waiting within a few seconds

After uploading an invoice into the system, artificial intelligence extracts all the information, and with each uploaded and verified invoice, it becomes more accurate. This means accountants only need to quickly review the invoice and send it for accounting directly into the accounting program linked with Digitoo. You'll save five minutes of time on each invoice and streamline the entire process.

You'll find everything in one place

Need to locate a specific invoice or prepare a managerial report from invoices? You'll have an overview of all invoices right after they are uploaded and processed in Digitoo. Smart filtering using dates, names, and other attributes further enhances your efficiency in searching.

Qualified employees can focus on more valuable task

In traditional paper-based invoice processing without the use of artificial intelligence for data extraction, this labor-intensive work is typically handled by qualified employees. They often deal with compiling invoices, collecting signatures from managers, and manually entering large amounts of data. Digitoo manages all of this in just a few seconds. Qualified employees can then dedicate their time to activities that bring greater benefits to the company. This frees up managers to focus on evaluation and analysis.

The cost savings resulting from streamlining and simplifying the entire process through digitization with Digitoo also demonstrate work efficiency. You can see this for yourself and calculate it using the return on investment calculator.