Digitoo: All Your Data in One Place for Easy Access and Organization

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No More Lost Invoices and Receipts with Digitoo

One of the biggest problems companies face is lost invoices. Invoices often end up in managers' or other employees' email or physical mail. Accountants only get access to them at the last minute when they start searching for them, usually during tax period. Not only does this delay accountants in searching for invoices, but it also inconveniences managers who then search for invoices in their email or within their teams.

With Digitoo, invoices are uploaded immediately upon receipt, eliminating the fear of them getting lost. All invoices and other documents are in one place, accessible to both managers and accountants at any time.

Say Goodbye to Tedious Compilation

Lost invoices are often connected to the need for search and compilation. Companies often use qualified employees to compile invoices and manage the entire process. With Digitoo, all you need to do is send invoices to the Digitoo email, upload them through the interface, or simply capture invoices and documents using the mobile application. All documents are then automatically uploaded, sorted, and prepared for accounting.

The entire process no longer requires additional personnel, who can instead focus on far more productive and efficient tasks. Unlike manual processing, Digitoo allows you to easily filter and locate the invoices you need.

You Don't Need to Maintain Your Own Expense Records

Managers and business owners often lack a clear overview of their company's financial status. They don't know what they're spending on and how much. Therefore, they often maintain their own expense records to understand the company's financial commitments or rely on accountants for these insights. The first option involves unnecessary additional spreadsheet work and may lead to invoices slipping through the cracks. The second option results in unnecessary time burdens for both accountants and managers, time that could be spent more productively.

With Digitoo, you no longer need to maintain your own records or rely on accountants for financial insights. You can find an overview of your invoices in real-time directly within the tool and easily filter them based on time and other criteria. With a single click, you can understand your expenses, what you've already paid, and what's pending. This provides a quick snapshot of your financial commitments and cash flow.

No More Last-Minute Invoice Approvals

Even if you have invoices ready and printed on your desk, most of them need to go through managerial approval. Sometimes, this involves a complete approval cycle for invoices that require approval from multiple managers. In the case of non-digitalized companies, this means calling and visiting managers, which consumes time for both parties.

With Digitoo, all you need to do is provide access credentials to all relevant individuals who can approve invoices with a single click directly within the tool, in real-time, as invoices are uploaded. Everything is clear, and managers can schedule approvals according to their availability.

Manual Data Entry and Accounting Are a Thing of the Past with Digitoo

Digitization and automation with Digitoo don't stop at document upload, sorting, and approval. It also eliminates the need for manual data entry for accountants because artificial intelligence smartly reads invoices and prepares them for accounting. Accountants only need to review the automatic entries and send the invoice directly to the accounting system. This means no need for another tool for accounting.

End the Travelling of Invoices Throughout the Company

Digitoo helps accelerate the entire invoicing process because the receipt, processing, and sending of invoices to the accounting system all occur within Digitoo. Managers don't have to send anything to accountants or use different tools, and accountants don't need to chase managers for approvals. Everything is in one place.

By streamlining and speeding up the entire process, a company can save up to 5 minutes on each invoice. When you add up all the invoices over the course of a year, this can amount to several days saved. Everyone can use this saved time for more important work, personal development, or spending time with their families."